Guidelines for Writing Good Quality Abstract
Qualities of good abstract:
• Unified – to join/link things together to form one unit.
• coherent - easy to understand
• concise -giving a lot of information in few words
• able to stand alone
• 200-300 words (for conf or journal).
Some questions that should be answered in an abstract are:
1. Why did you do this study or project?
2. What did you do, and how?
3. What did you find?
4. What do your findings mean?
If the paper is about a new method or apparatus (machine), the last two
questions might be changed to:
5. What are the advantages (of the method or apparatus)?
6. How well does it work?
Note: Write 1 or 2 sentences for each point.
Skeleton for abstract:
Why did you do this study or project?
What did you do, and how?
What did you find?
What are the advantages (of the method or apparatus)?
What do your findings mean? OR
How well does it work?