Sunday, August 16, 2015

Question 6

List the steps to create a chart


  1. Highlight the data -> click insert tab -> click column command in charts command group -> Click first option under 2-D Column -> the chart will appear

  2. Steps to creating a chart
    1. First highlight the data that is to be made a chart
    2. Click the Insert tab and click the column command in charts command group
    3. Choose the first option under the 2-D column
    4. The chart will appear

  3. Steps to create a chart :
    1- Highlight the data
    2- Click the Insert Tab
    3- Click the column Command in charts command group
    4- Click first option under 2-D column
    5- The chart will appear

  4. 1) Highlight the data
    2) Click the Insert Tab
    3)Click the column Command in charts command group
    4) Click first option under 2-D column
    5) The chart will appear

  5. Steps to creating a chart
    1. First highlight the data that is to be made a chart
    2. Click the Insert tab and click the column command in charts command group
    3. Choose the first option under the 2-D column
    4. The chart will appear
