Sunday, October 30, 2011
BBQ 1 Malaysia
Ok. Today is my best day ever. Why? I started my day with doing some academic works and cooking at 3.40 am. Too early some might said, but I have no choice. Subuh (morning prayer) is early during late spring and summer.
Then, before noon I drove my car to Burswood (sounds like Besut) Park to attend BBQ 1 Malaysia. There were estimated 500-800 Malaysian and others nationality who just come to experience the so called 1 Malaysia atmosphere.
However, there were Malaysian who wearing Yellow shirt that written the words Bersih 2.0. The Australian police negotiated with them and they promise to behave. They wave to the Prime Minister and he replied with a smile in his face.
I have opportunity to shake Najib's hand and he smiled at me and from his look I know he was trying hard to recall where he have met me before he he. Actually, I met him couple of months back and we chat about Pahang, Archery and what I am doing at Perth
I think that's all folks. I need to pen off.
Now I am watching SBS dateline and the issue today is Malaysian Obidience wifes.
Sent from my iPhone 4S
Mohamad Azmi Nias Ahmad
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Edith Cowan University
Joondalup, Western Australia
Friday, October 28, 2011
Hulagu Khan, Khabar Hitam dari timur
Nama Hulagu Khan tercatat dalam sejarah Islam sebagai pahlawan Monggol yang paling kejam kerana membunuh ramai umat Islam serta menghancurkan peradaban Islam di kota Baghdad.
Novel ini ditulis pada tahun 2007. Kerana beberapa sebab ia agak lambat diterbitkan.
Setelah selesai menulis kisah empat pahlawan Islam iaitu Khalid al Walid, Ikramah bin Abu Jahal, Salahuddin al Ayubi dan Tariq bin Ziyad, saya ingin merakamkan kisah kejatuhan kota Baghdad. Saya pilih Hulagu Khan kerana dia ada kaitan dengan peristiwa tersebut. Walaupun ramai yang beranggapan Hulagu Khan adalah musuh Islam dan bukan pahlawan Islam, tetapi kisahnya amat menarik serta ada kaitan dengan sejarah kejatuhan kota Baghdad.
Kenapa Hulagu Khan menakluk kota Baghdad?. Kenapa dia bersikap kejam terhadap umat Islam?. Kenapa kerajaan Bani Abbasiyah yang telah berkuasa selama lebih 500 tahun dengan mudah berjaya ditumbangkan oleh orang-orang Monggol?. Siapakah pahlawan Islam yang berjaya mengalahkan orang-orang Monggol?. Bagaimana mereka boleh dikalahkan?. Apa yang terjadi kepada Hulagu Khan setelah menakluk Kota Baghdad?. Semua persoalan itu akan terjawab setelah membaca novel ini.
Tunggu kemunculannya tidak lama lagi.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Suka menabur fitnah sesama manusia
Suka memberi & menerima rasuah
Hakim yang zalim ketika menjatuhi hukuman
Suka menunjuk-nunjuk amal ibadat & kebajikan yang dilakukan kepada oranglain.
Golongan yang berilmu & mengajar orang lain tetapi perbuatannya sendiri tidak sama dengan apa yang dikatakannya.
Menjadi saksi tetapi berbohong terhadap kebenaran
Orang yang kedekut membelanjakan sedikit hartanya untuk kebajikan
Orang yang suka bercerita hal-hal dunia didalam masjid
Suka makan riba - orang yang digelar along @ ceti
Suka menyakiti @ menyusahkan jiran sekeliling
Suka mempermudahkan solat & lalai dalam solatnya hingga sering terlupa rukun
Tidak mahu mengeluarkan zakat terhadap dirinya, pendapatannya, terhadapperniagaan & lain-lain zakat
Melakukan maksiat secara sembunyi-sembunyi
Malas dan jarang mengucap dua kalimah syahadah
Suka melakukan zina
Suka makan harta anak yatim
Orang yang menderhaka kepada kedua orang tuanya
Orang yang suka minum arak @ segala jenis benda yang menghayalkan seperti dadah dan lain-lain.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Amalan Harian
Dari Anas r.a., dia berkata Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda: Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki. (H.R Ibn Hibban dan sanadnya dihukum sahih bertepatan dengan syarat Muslim dalam kitab al-Silsilah al-Sahihah, No. 2886).
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَالْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ
وَالْهَمِّ وَعَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ اللَّهُمَّ آتِ نَفْسِي تَقْوَاهَا وَزَكِّهَا أَنْتَ
خَيْرُ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا أَنْتَ وَلِيُّهَا وَمَوْلاَهَا اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ
مِنْ عِلْمٍ لاَ يَنْفَعُ وَمِنْ قَلْبٍ لاَ يَخْشَعُ وَمِنْ نَفْسٍ لاَ
تَشْبَعُ وَمِنْ دَعْوَةٍ لاَ يُسْتَجَابُ لَهَا.
Maksudnya: "Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku berlindung diri dengan-Mu daripada kelemahan, kemalasan, sikap pengecut kekikiran, kerunsingan serta seksa azab kubur. Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, selubungilah jiwaku dengan ketaqwaan dan sucikanlah ia, sesungguhnya Engkaulah sebaik-baik yang dapat menyucikannya kerana Engkaulah pentadbir dan penguasaannya. Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku berlindung diri dengan-Mu daripada ilmu yang tidak berguna, daripada hati yang tidak khusyuk, daripada jiwa yang tiada kenal kenyang dan daripada doa yang tidak akan diterima-Nya." (Riwayat Muslim no. 7081)
(Petikan Doa, Zikir & Doa yang Didengari Allah, Ustaz Hj. Zahazan Mohamed, terbitan Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.)
Management Research Paper Writing Help
The amount of time that a research paper takes also depends on the assignment, the level at which the research is being conducted, and the overall objectives of that research. For simple management research papers, it might just take a few days or a couple of weeks, but for a high-level program, this type of assignment could take months and even years, depending upon the complexity and parameters to the research; whether it is a simple management research paper for an undergraduate class on international business or it is a PhD project that is looking to disseminate how a management team can create strategies that will sustain an organization throughout all global business environments.
Pick the Problem
Success starts with the right topic and scope of the research that would be involved. In terms of a management research paper, there are a seemingly endless amount of problems and issues that span across every aspect of a business, organization, and industry, so it is important to narrow the subject matter and find your niche.
It is important to pick a research topic that interests you and that has application for your field of study. Additionally, the research should be something that is relevant to today's business environment, such as something that relates to the issues of sustainability, ethics, corporate responsibility, the use of technology, or new management styles that can be successful in the global information society.
Review the Research
There are a number of steps to take in getting the research and then filtering through all of the information to find the data that substantiates the thesis that you have chosen or that has been assigned by a professor. Be sure to get the details on the format and referencing style that is required since everything presented in the paper must be attributed to the person that provided that research material.
The Internet has opened up the doors of opportunity for accessing a wealth of in-depth research material by providing a number of open-sourced academic databases that contain recent findings and studies. Some of the databases do require either a password that can be obtained from the university or a small payment to join. Emerald and Science Direct are particularly excellent sources of high-quality research material. Many other researchers have made their published papers available online, so be sure to search Google using specific keywords that relate to the research topic. Your university library should not be left out as an excellent place for source material!
Scope out the Order
Organization and a logical order to the presentation of the research is the other half of the battle involved in creating a successful management research paper. Preparing an outline is important to ensuring that the argumentation supports the main thesis statement. Be sure to construct the paper in a way that uses the "if this happens, then this is the result" formula and then tie the results back to the original premise of the research.
Do not assume that all the research you pulled for the paper has to be used. After further reading, you may discover that some of the material is not relevant or has a bias that would not make it a good reference to substantiate your argument.
Transform the Research
While a management research paper is heavily based on available research, the premise of the project is not to simply restate what has already been discovered. The primary goal of doing a management research paper is to transform the research and make it your own, illustrating to the professor or others that you have grasped the concepts and theories to the point of understanding how these might be applied to or solve a real-world critical business issue or problem.
To help you transform the research, it is a good idea to make a list of questions at the start and then refer back to these as you formulate your outline for the management research paper. Finding the answers to these questions will then serve as the foundation for the primary points that you will be making in the main body of the paper. Adding personal experiences with management or as a manager within an organization also helps transform the research into a compelling piece of work.
Solidify the Message
The best way to solidify the message in your management research paper is to re-read the draft and revise it numerous times to ensure a succinct, powerful, and well-stated argument for that particular research topic. This involves careful proofreading and a review of a checklist that, perhaps, the professor provided in terms of formatting. If this information is not provided, be sure to consult a writing guide that focuses on specific ways to format a research paper as well as explains the various standard referencing mechanisms, such as APA, Harvard, and MLA, that will detail how to construct the bibliography as well as internal references, footnotes, or endnotes.
Ways and Means: How to Effectively Manage your PhD Thesis
Ways and Means: How to Effectively Manage your PhD Thesis
Jennifer Maiden
University of Sheffield
Embarking on a PhD was one of the most exciting and rewarding decisions that I have ever made. Now half way through my second year, I am still as enthusiastic about my research and eager to explore new ideas as I was at the beginning of my project. Having said this however, I haven't always been so sure-footed. This is primarily because when I began my study, I had very little idea of what was really involved in a PhD, or of the practical skills that I would need to develop in order to produce a good piece of research. I also had the added complication that I worked from home, and so had very little of the peer support and guidance that other students based closer to the university enjoyed. I therefore had to learn a lot of the practices I now employ everyday through a painful mixture of trial and error that often left me feeling quite unsure of where I was going with my research, and in some instances, quite frankly a little lost. As a result of my experiences, in this paper I have listed a number of key suggestions that I have found to be extremely useful in order to manage a PhD effectively, and I hope that these pointers will be of use to other doctoral students who find themselves in a similar situation, both as they begin their studies and as they progress with them.
Don't be Overwhelmed
This point might sound a little self-evident, but I cannot overemphasise how important it is to keep this thought in mind when you are first setting out on a PhD. The sheer volume of research available, coupled with the fact that you are not entirely sure what direction your project will take for the first few months of study, can make the beginning of your doctorate a very lonely and frustrating period. The most important thing to remember is that with the help of your supervisor, you will find your niche area of research - it may simply take a little time. Also, rather than thinking of this phase of your study as wasted time, it is actually an extremely useful stage of your research development during which you find lots of information that you may either use in your doctorate at a later date, or which you may utilize as 'off-shoot' material (that you can subsequently use in articles or conference papers, etc).
Disorientation Happens to All of Us
This sense of being overwhelmed or disorientated is not something that is always confined to the first year of study. Even well into my second year, I sometimes find myself loosing that sense of direction and purpose, as I become a little overawed by the amount of information I have accumulated. This is perfectly natural (I have been assured), and I have friends in their third year of study that have had the same problem. The two things that I have found really help when this happens, is firstly to keep in mind why you are investigating your chosen query and what you are intending to achieve during the course of your project. Continually ask yourself: is what I'm doing directly relevant to my doctorate? The second thing that I find invaluably useful is to write. Formulating your thoughts into a chapter outline, introduction or even summary, will allow you to articulate your ideas coherently whilst making it clearer for you to see where you are going with your project. Even if none of this material makes it into your final PhD, writing down your ideas enables you to spot the 'holes' or weaknesses in your argument, that you are then able to re-address and develop.
Organise your Time Management
All of the PhD students I have talked to have had problems managing their time efficiently. The difficulties of working on your own, with very little in the way of deadlines or set objectives, can make a PhD feel much more difficult than it needs to be. As a result it is very important to plan your day efficiently and to cogently prioritise the jobs you have to do. I have often found that when I am overwhelmed or intimidated by a task, I take on the role of the proverbial ostrich - looking to do the washing or to go for a walk - rather than face the section that needs to be completed, or the chapter that is getting close to submission. Making a list, outlining your aims and objectives will help you to avoid procrastination, whilst allowing you to be focused and organised in your approach to each task. When you make your list, it is also important to make sure that you set yourself realistic and achievable targets, for example, giving yourself an easily realisable set of tasks to be completed each day. This will help you to maintain a sense of achievement, and fend off the feelings of discouragement that inevitably rear up if the goals you want to accomplish seem unobtainable or insurmountable. The physical size of your PhD research will add to these feelings of discouragement, so ensure that you file and save individual chapters/research sources etc., in separate folders and devise an easy referencing system. This will allow you to keep abreast of your own progress and monitor where you are going with each line of enquiry, to avoid wasteful and unproductive repetition.
Become an Effectual Researcher
As long as you manage to keep abreast of your own progress, you will produce a comprehensive and interesting PhD. However, perhaps the most easy and important rule to producing a good thesis is to enjoy it. If you find that you are having real problems that are impeding that enjoyment, talk to your supervisor, join a postgraduate forum, but most of all don't feel isolated. If you voice your concerns you are likely to find a ready-made support group that is happy to listen, and this is as much the case for students working away from their universities, as students who are based on-campus.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Thinking Thread for a Phd student
1. What is the topic i'm investigating? What's the bigger area?
eg : Group discussion in Second Language Acquisition
2. Why did i choose this topic? Any personal experience / stance that is relevant to me?
3. Why do i want to investigate this topic?
Any particular reason - latest government policy, debates from the literature, some unsolved problems, or giving another perspective to the topic.
What does the current literature say about this topic? Any debates? Any point of view i want to contest? What is the current theoretical framework available? Should I add another perspective, or challenge its current stance?
4. What did i want to find out? The Research Questions
Summary of chapter and signposting
Chapter 2
Past Studies and Theoretical Framework
What has past studies say about this topic? What are the current theories available? am i adding a new dimension to there theories? will my study contribute to the local and global context?
summary of chapter - synthesise
Chapter 3
5. What would be my context / sampling / respondents – and why did I choose this particular context?
6.How will I investigate this topic – the methodology.
Quantitative / qualitative / mixed methods
Why do I want to use this method? What are the advantages / limitations?
And what is my epistemological and ontological stance/ my own assumptions about this topic? That will tie in with the methodological choice.
7. Some other issues to think about – ethics, access, pilot studies
Chapter 4 and next ( your discussion chapters)
8.After data collection – how will I analyse my data? Any software to use?Nvivo, Atlanti,Dedoose
What is my conceptual framework? Can I relate it to my RQs?
Added by Sabrina Rashid:
to have a storyline (metaphor, diagram) to relate/present/gather all themes (qualitative) or findings ... from the starting point. to what happen next, and how would you wanna conclude it while answering all ur RQ.
What is my contribution to knowledge in this area?
Taking it Further - how will my findings be useful / practical in the real world? any suggestions / further research to be done
Putting it together
9. Writing up – how will I put together all my thoughts? What is the best way to write? Academic writing + personal stance + reflexivity
Any software / templates to use? End note referencing
The V-Day
10. Viva! Some viva questions to help me prepare
( i will link this to the previous doc created earlier - viva questions)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I am a champion (The Greatest Speech Ever)
I am a champion (The Greatest Speech Ever)
Today gentlemen, I am honored to coach you, more honored to take you onto the field of battle
There is another honor to bestowed upon you,
That is the answer that comes with that question, WHO AM I?
That's right and I need you to remember that all throughout this game
I will conquer what has not been conquered
Defeat will not be in my creed
I will believe what others have doubted
I will always endeavor the prestige, honor and respect of my team
I have trained my mind and my body will follow
I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win, but I will never surrender
Weakness will not be in my heart
I will look to my comrades, to those who have brought me into this world and those who have trained me and I will draw strength from them.
I will gladly go out into the field of battle and I will move, groove, and do everything that I can do and I will reach my field of battle by any means at my disposal
AND when I get there I will arrive violently
I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave ot bleeding on the ground, because he cannot stop me
To my side I have comrades
Comrades that have been with me through thick and thin
Through sacrifice, through blood, through sweat, through tears
Never will I let them fall; never will I let them DOWN and I will never leave an enemy behind because our opponent does not know my heart
No one will deny me, no one will defy me
And no one will tell me who and what I am and can be
It has moved continents and countries and put man on the moon and it will carry me through this battle
DEFEAT, RETREAT those are not in my words
I do not understand those definitions
I do not understand when things go wrong
I do not understand mistakes BUT I do understand this
I understand victory and I understand never surrendering
My heart and my mind will carry my body when my limbs are too weak
Today will be that day, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now, right here, in your house and in your home
I will not have to worry about him being kind
I will define myself
I will write my own praises
And no one will tell me what I can and cannot be
I will never go home, not without giving everything I have got